Thursday 25 May 2017

Ayahuasca Retreat Peru the Experience of Shamanism

The shamanic phenomenon today constitutes a multisite landscape, drawn by regular long-distance movements of ritual specialists and practitioners and by the constant spin-off and reconfiguration of discourses and practices. This creates particular modalities of homelessness, little analyzed by the classical sociology of migrations, which seem to constitute an emerging figure in the contemporary order of mobility.

As for the circulation and relocation of practices, they give rise to several scenarios. Initially, individual or group initiated journeys, sometimes by agencies, to places recognized as emblematic of ayahuasquera practice in South America, especially in the region and the city of Iquitos in Peru, which became the Mecca of the ayahuasca in the international environment of the sympathizers.

Around this nucleus are disseminated satellite places that form the periphery of the island, ranging from Pucallpa, the chief town of the Shipibo ethnic group in Peru to Leticia, Colombia, at the triple boundary between it Brazil and Peru. Between these places and the region of Iquitos, the circulation of shamans and users is constant.

These trips have led to the creation of Ayahuasca retreat Peru which allows users and shamans to plan and carry out multi-stage routes between various ritual centers.

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